
Lisfranc Injuries Can Be Painful and Disabling
If you are suffering from foot swelling, pain in the middle of the foot when standing or walking, difficulty putting weight on the foot, and bruising, the cause may be an injury with an unusual name that can sometimes be difficult to identify. Injuries affecting the...

Achilles Tendon Conditions and Injuries Require Expert Care
Most people may have only heard of the Achilles heel as an expression to describe someone’s point of weakness. But anyone who has sustained an injury or developed a condition affecting the Achilles tendon learns how painful and debilitating it can be. The doctor of...

Are Your Feet Always Cold or Sweaty? Here’s Why
The feet are extremely sensitive parts of the anatomy. Each one of our feet is home to thousands of nerve endings, several major arteries, and a high density of sweat glands. So it comes as no surprise that our feet experience a wide range of reactions to heat and...

Intense Pain In The Big Toe Joint? It Could Be Gout
If you have been experiencing intense pain and inflammation in the joint of your big toe, it’s time to visit the doctor of podiatric medicine at Metropolitan Foot Care. Our specialist is uniquely qualified to determine the cause of your condition, which is...

Could That Odd Bend in Your Toe Be A Hammertoe? Ask A Podiatrist
When the joints in one or more of our toes develop an abnormal bend that causes irritation and pain when we walk, that’s a condition podiatrists call hammertoe. The most critical fact to know about this relatively common deformity is that it never resolves on its own,...

Are Your Feet Always Cold? See a Podiatrist
Having cold feet is an expression whose meaning has come to be associated with fear or a lack of confidence to face a certain situation, say performing in public, or asking the boss for a raise. And of course it’s natural that our feet actually lose heat in extremely...

Achilles Heel: It Takes a Podiatrist to Heal the Pain
Achilles was a mythological demigod whose demise came in the form of an arrow that struck him squarely in his heel. The wound to this vulnerable area that is named for Achilles is one that affects many mere mortals. It’s an injury that’s quite painful and the road to...

Don’t Let Foot Infections Hinder Your Life
People demand a lot from their feet, which are tasked with taking hundreds to thousands of strides every day, running long distances, and traveling up and down hills and stairs. Feet can be asked to totter on high heels or be locked up in socks and shoes for up to 18...

Diabetic Foot Care
Diabetes is often associated with diabetes foot conditions. If you have diabetes, at the office of Metropolitan Foot Care, we can help you maintain good foot health and protect against infection. If you have diabetes, you may be prone to diabetic-related foot...

Only a Podiatrist Should Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Out of the 34.2 Americans who have diabetes, approximately 15 percent of them will develop ulcers (open sores or wounds) on the soles of their feet. Six percent of those 15 percent will be hospitalized due to the infection or a related complication. Podiatrists are...