Diagnosing and Treating Foot Fractures in Canarsie Podiatrist in Canarsie Diagnosing and treating foot fractures is best done by a specialist like our podiatrist in Canarsie. Not only is it vital to properly identify the nature of the injury, since some bone fractures...
Diagnosing and treating bunions in Canarsie Bunion treatment in Canarsie Bunions are an extremely common foot problem. If you are feeling pain from your bunions, or are unhappy with the appearance of your feet due to your bunion problem, you should come to see us at...
Orthotics Therapy in Canarsie Canarsie Orthotics If you have painful feet, there is most likely no reason to have to continue with this problem. At our podiatry practice, Metropolitan Foot Care, our expert podiatrist, Dr. Payman Rabiei can provide you with excellent...
Diagnosing and Treating Ankle Sprains in Canarsie Ankle Sprain in Canarsie There is nothing more debilitating to your quality of life than when your foot and ankles are not there for you the way you need. The Metropolitan Foot Care Center is in the business of getting...
Hammertoes in 11236 Podiatry office 11236 At Metropolitan Foot Care, our podiatry office 11236 specializes in foot conditions like bunions and hammertoes. A hammertoe occurs when there is a clear muscle and ligament imbalance around the toe joint. This causes the...
Treating Hammertoes in Canarsie Podiatrist in Canarsie Hammertoe happens when there is an imbalance between the muscle and the ligament around the toe joint. This causes the middle toe joint to bend and become stuck in place. The condition is usually diagnosed with an...